Experience the artistry of Barrell Dovetail Whiskey, where meticulous craftsmanship meets bold flavor. A whiskey that's as beautiful and strong as a dovetail joint.
Is there an art to whiskey making? Barrell Dovetail Whiskey answers this with a resounding yes. Just as woodworkers spend years perfecting their dovetail joints, our master distillers have dedicated their lives to crafting the perfect blend.
In every bottle of Barrell Dovetail Whiskey, you'll find a harmony of flavors as intricate and fitting as the finest dovetail joint. This whiskey is not just a drink; it's a testament to the dedication of craft. Each sip reveals the painstaking care taken in blending, ensuring that each note of flavor fits together in perfect balance.
Nose: Opens with mature aromas both sweet (canelé, panna cotta, crème de noyaux) and savory (walnut oil, leather). This is followed quickly by a vast array of fruit derived both from the spirit (smoked apricot, grapefruit peel) as well as the cask treatment (sloe gin, damson jam). The aroma is high toned, pungently floral and herbaceous, with subtle, balancing pops of minerality.
Palate: Darker (cocoa, molasses, burnt marshmallow) and spicier (cola, nutmeg, Tellicherry peppercorn) than the nose, an effect well-complemented by the cask treatment and rendered more complex by the savory and herbaceous themes running throughout.
Finish: A sweet and elegant signature of rose jelly, chestnut honey, and Pineau des Charentes that also features hazelnut, eucalyptus, and Corsican mint.